These are usually the first words that come out of my mouth in the morning.
*poke in the face "mommy... mommy.. mommy... I want breakfast"
Me "It's not morning yet, it's still dark out! Go back to sleep."
The times that this doesn't work completely out weighs the times that it does. But I love my sleep, and even an extra 20 minutes of shut eye is all I need.
I know moms have a lot of little tricks and ways to get that extra sleep. Especially being single mothers, we tend to get more creative with it. So spread the secrets ladies! My son just got back from his dads after being gone for 11 days. It's so great to have those days to sleep in, but once I go back to waking up daily at 6 A.M., it's like torture. But worth it of course :)
My son has never been a great sleeper. He co slept with me exclusively for a year and then we attempted the crib. He ended up back in my bed at some point every night! When I left my husband, I lived with my mom for a while and we shared a bed there. I tried to get him to sleep in a playpen (can you believe I just had to google 'portable crib' because I forgot what they were called... exhausted mommy brain) He would stay the night in it but eventually he made his way back into my bed. When I moved to Barrie for 2 years, I tried and tried to get him to fall asleep on his own and stay in bed all night, but the battle was too much and too exhausting. He's never been able to fall asleep on his own, or stay the night in his own bed. This blog is not a blog of advice but a plea for help! I still spend an hour with him in bed until he falls asleep, and get woken up constantly through the night (he is a sleep talker/walker like his mom). My goal is to have him fall asleep on his own, and stay there until morning. My ears are open....
This picture was taken when I woke up after i fell back to sleep after Layton woke up. The work of a sharpie and a 3 year old:
Kimmy SMFS
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